Monday Mania: Psst! Want A Copy of My Book?

I have made my short story collection, Six of One: A Collection of Short Fantasy, available as a print-on-demand paperback. I am also hosting a couple of giveaways to coincide with this new venture. First, I am giving away ten copies of the book on Goodreads. If you are a Goodreads member, just go to reading Monday Mania: Psst! Want A Copy of My Book?

Monday Musings: Clarifying Ebook Formats, and the Links, Once Again

It seems there has been a small amount of confusion on the ebook formats that are available for Six of One. And I understand it. In particular one site is a bit confusing, since if you click the link that says "Available for these Devices" (or similar wording), it sends you to a graphic that … Continue reading Monday Musings: Clarifying Ebook Formats, and the Links, Once Again

Monday Musings: Adventures in Publishing and Some Dates to Remember

"Don't worry," they said. "It'll be fun," they said. "Formatting is easy," they said. Once again, "they" lied. Well, not entirely. It was fun- sort of. There were glitches and frustrating points, but seeing the converted version sitting there on my Kindle and in calibre is, as the TV ad says, priceless. I was having … Continue reading Monday Musings: Adventures in Publishing and Some Dates to Remember

Timely Tuesday: A Peek at the Cover, and Some Details

Coming soon to an ebook near you: Six of One: A Collection of Short Fantasy by M.A. Kropp.     Six of One is a collection of short fantasy pieces. There are mermaids, wizards, imps,  elves, angels and demons, and frogs in the night. Many are lighthearted and fun; a few are darker in tone. The … Continue reading Timely Tuesday: A Peek at the Cover, and Some Details